Divorced Dads Learn Secrets to Solve Custody, Access
and Support Concerns
Helping Fathers Solve Separation, Divorce, Child Custody and Visitation Disputes and Support Concerns Since 1994!
Are your children being denied their right to see you, their father do you feel you're being treated unfairly?
We have helped 1000s of fathers and can help you too!
We stand by our success record for fathers and can prove it! Watch our Video Case Studies
Since 1994 our strategic analysis, Divorce-Management Services, Divorce Coaching and referral network of legal and/or other professionals have resulted in positive solutions. The Family lawyers we refer are Family Law specialists who have a success record assisting fathers. We have also assisted many international cases, when fathers live elsewhere in the world, but have children who reside in Ontario Canada – we can help you get your family situation on the right track. On a worldwide basis we offer our unique online Divorce Education programs that give you the advantage of our time-tested winning strategies, divorce coaching and our family lawyer vetting services so you can locate the best family lawyer in your region – our protocol really works and can put you on the path to success.
FREE Online Q&A Meetings for Fathers
Bi-Monthly Meeting Updates are also
available here: Meetup Page
November 9, 2022
Starts at 7:00pm
Eastern Time
Post your questions anytime
before and during the meeting
October 12, 2022
Click the link to hear
the audio replay
Note: It says we've been working with fathers for 16 years....well that was then, as of today it's 28 years!
On a Mobile Phone? CALL US!
Single Dads ~ Separated Dads ~ Divorced Dads
Helping Men and Fathers with
Separation and Divorce Since 1994!
The #1 reason we get great results...
Our overall approach is quite different. We've tested it in 1000's of cases since 1994, and our protocols when followed tend to produce better results, because we WAGE PEACE in Family Court.
Judges are not looking for the parent who can sling the most mud, they are looking for the mature parent who can WAGE PEACE on behalf of their children, to shield them from the ugly messs separation, divorce and Family Court proceedings often become.
We systematically teach you how to become a SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIC DIVORCED DAD as opposed to a STRUGGLING CLUELESS DIVORCED DAD, which is why you began searching for help, which has led you to this website.
There are a lot of GREAT Free Resources on the site!
To Schedule an Appointment
Call 416-861-0626 or Toll-Free 1-888-54-DADDY (1-888-543-2339)
You Could Be Our Next Success Story!
On Mobile Phone – Click To Call Us Immediately!
Any lawyer can give legal advice. HOWEVER... All of our lawyers have a proven track record of success with Court orders that verify you are getting qualified legal advice as opposed to unqualified legal advice from a lawyer who does not have court orders to back up their claimed track record. Always ask for Court Orders from your lawyer as proof they have had success helping a man / father acheive the goals you've set out for yourself. Court Orders are Public Documents unless they have been sealed by the Court – so there are no privacy issues.
When you meet with us we can show you a very large sampling of Court orders we have obtained as Court Agent / Law Clerk (prior to changes in the law in 2007 that no longer allow Court Agents, Law Clerks and Paralegals in Family Court in Ontario).
We also have Court Orders since 1994 proving our experience and that of the lawyers we work with helping and winning and improving situations for Men / Dads in Family Court. Make sure to check out our CASE STUDY VIDEO on this page. These results are typical when you follow the protocols and education, and mindset we share with our clients through our coaching, counselling, education and lawyer referral services.
Kids Need Dads
Children benefit from both parents!If you feel you don't have any rights as a dad...
We can help!
No matter what stage you are at we can help you turn it around to achieve your goals!
Toronto 416-861-0626
Toll-Free 1-888-543-2339 / 1-888-54-DADDY
Our comprehensive set of services and tools have helped 1000s of fathers turn their situation into positive results during separation, divorce and/or if conflict continues after a separation
– both inside and outside of Family Court.

Divorced Dad Minute Podcasts
One Minute Podcast Tips

DADCAST - Divorced Dads Rights
60 Minute Podcasts

The Parenting Diary
The #1 tool that helps organize all the details to create a parenting plan for Mediation or Family Court.
We Get Results!
A Successful Client, with his son!

Toronto 416-861-0626
Toll-Free 1-888-543-2339 / 1-888-54-DADDY
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Resource Links
BLOG Current Divorced Dad News that YOU need to know
FREE Q+A SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Attend a Free Support Group meeting - in 2 cities
SERVICES All legal and other professionals we refer have a track record of success with dads
FAMILY COURT FORMS Family Court forms (Ontario, Canada ONLY)
FREE RESOURCES Child Support Guidlines; Layperson Guides; How-to File Paperwork at Court; Court Procedure Guides; Legal Statutes and much more. (Ontario, Canada ONLY)
Are fathers important to children?
Canadians agree Fathers are important to children!
1998’s Special Joint Committee of the Senate and Commons on Child Custody and Access Report entitled For the Sake of the Children.
· This committee, composed of members of both Houses of Parliament, held 55 hearings across the country, and heard testimony from over 500 Canadians, and received written submissions from many others. This Special Joint Committee reported to both Houses on December 9 and 10, 1998 it’s comprehensive report entitled For the Sake of the Children.
· The Committee in its Report made 48 recommendations to Parliament. About the most significant recommendation for shared parenting, Committee member Senator Mabel DeWare on November 16, 1999 speaking to the Throne Speech of October 12, 1999, said, at page 161 Senate Debates:
“The most important recommendation involved changes which recognized both mothers and fathers must continue to have an important role in their children's lives. These recommendations focus on the concept of shared parenting, which involves joint decision-making, with time-sharing and residential arrangements to be worked out between the parents. With shared parenting, both father and mother continue to be active in the care and nurturing of their children.”
· The two cornerstone recommendations of the Special Joint Committee’s Report, both on shared parenting, are Recommendations 5 and 6, being:
“Recommendation 5.This Committee recommends that the terms ‘custody and access’ no longer be used in the Divorce Act and instead that the meaning of both terms be incorporated and received in the new term ‘shared parenting’, which shall be taken to include all the meanings, rights, obligations, and common-law and statutory interpretations embodied previously in the terms ‘custody and access’.”
“Recommendation 6.This Committee recommends that the Divorce Act be amended to repeal the definition of ‘custody’ and to add a definition of ‘shared parenting’ that reflects the meaning ascribed to that term by this Committee.”
· Another pivotal recommendation of the Special Joint Committee’s Report, Recommendation 18, was on the need to correct the Federal Child Support Guidelines, being in part:
“Recommendation 18.Whereas the federal government is required by statute to review the Federal Child Support Guidelines within five years of their implementation, this Committee recommends that the Minister of Justice undertake as early as possible a comprehensive review of the Guidelines to reflect gender equality and the child's entitlement to financial support from both parents…”
The Committee’s Report was highly supported by the public and editorial comment in all media. Public opinion surveys also expressed national support for the Committee’s perspective and approach to parenting after divorce.
· The Compas poll for Southam News published November 23, 1998 during the same time as the Special Joint Committee’s Report, found that:
· 89% of Canadians believe the stress of divorce is more severe now than a generation ago; and that 70% of men and women say that courts do not pay enough attention to the needs of children;
· 62% of men and women feel the courts pay too little attention to the needs of fathers; and that 80% of Canadians believe that the children of divorce must maintain on-going relationships with their non-custodial parents;
· 65% of Canadians feel it is a priority that the Government should protect rights of the children to relationships with their non-custodial parents, and that no custodial parent should be allowed to bar this access.
· Angus-Reid Group opinion poll May 25, 1998 for the Globe and Mail said:
· 71% of Ontarians believe a women’s child support should be withheld if access is denied; and also that Ontarians are equally split as to whether, or not, jail terms are appropriate for access denial.
Many fathers feel that they are not treated equally or fairly during separation or divorce, especially when they wish to maintain their parenting relationship with their children. Sometimes their efforts to spend more time with their kids are pegged as suspect or as a means to reduce their child support obligation. The truth is that most fathers genuinely care about the health and welfare of their kids. More importantly, children miss spending time with their dads. Studies prove that consistent parenting time (access/visitation) greatly benefits children self-esteem especially during separation.
For kids, divorce and separation is a very scary time. They most often do not understand why it's happening and tend to blame themselves. Children may feel lost or vulnerable during this time. To help them through this difficult period, a consistent on-going parenting relationship with both parents can give them the feeling of security they need while eliminating the need to escape – teens, for example may use drugs or alcohol to forget about the pain of the family breakup.
Children suffer the greatest loss!
Loss of their family, stability, security and the benefits of parenting and guidance that they deserve and long for, from both of their parents. Let us help you remain an active parent.
YET SINCE DECEMBER 1998 all parties in Parliament have done nothing to implement andy of these recommendations.

FREE "Q and A" Support Group Meetings Attend our free weekly 'Q & A' Support Group Meetings in Toronto (Wednesdays 7-9pm) or our monthly 'Q & A' Support Group Meetings (Tuesdays 7-9pm) in Hamilton – Meeting Info
You'll meet other divorced dads who can share what has worked, and what has not worked both outside and inside Family Court during negotiations, mediation and at hearings.
Some of these fathers have no lawyer, because they have no funds to sustain the cost of hiring one - together as a group, we help each other become more educated, support each other through the tough times of separation and divorce, and in some instances fathers get together to either watch in Family Court, learning how it operates, or to support each other when they have a hearing before the Family Court.
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